There are a number of components in our daily lives that are using wood. It leads to the increased importance of properly using the wood to ensure the best possible look for these components. One can even provide an improved finish over the wood, paint, whitewash, and many more based on the requirement. This will require selecting the right method which is suitable for a specific kind of wood.
It is important to also identify the methods which one can use for removing the paint from the surface of the wood. This will help to get knowledge about how to remove paint from the wood and get back the wooden plank in its original form. Many of the methods employed are having their own benefits and risks associated with them. They should be considered before selecting the right method for the desired application.
Removing Paint with Heat
Various materials required for this process include:
- Heating Gun
- Painted Wooden Surface
- Protective Gloves
- Protective Goggles
- In this process, a heating gun is brought close to the surface of the wood whose paint is to be removed. The distance kept is normally of the order of 6 to 8 inches before the heat gun is switched on.
- While performing this process, one should definitely wear protective gloves and goggles as it can result in the potential risk of fire or scorch marks over the surface of the wood. The use of protective equipment will help you to ensure that you are safe from such hazards.
- One can even use a blowtorch for this process but they are having a higher risk of scorching or causing fire. It is the main reason due to which blow torches are not preferred for removing the paint from the surface of the wood.
- Now slowly heat gun is moved over the surface of the wood where the paint is applied. This process is done without any kind of ceasing. It is also required that heat gun is constantly moving and doesn’t stay at one position for a longer period of time. When heat gun stays at one position for a longer period it poses a threat of fire in the wood.
- With the application of heat, slowly the paint will start to scrapple or bubble. One can remove this paint with the use of board paint scrapper. It will help in ensuring that all of the paint is removed effectively from the surface of the painted wood. Even you can switch off the gun while you are scraping off the paint from the surface of the wood.
- Even if the fire starts during this process it can easily be blown down with the use of scrapper or by means of soaking it in water.
Removing Paint with Chemical Paint Strippers
Different materials and tools required in this method include:
- Paint Stripper
- Paint Brush
- Spray bottle
- Paint Scrapper
- In this case, paint stripper is applied over the surface of the wood with the paint from where the paint is to be removed. It is normally applied in either paste form of liquid form based on the way in which it is to be removed.
- Once applied, it will be allowed to settle down for a certain period of time which will help in ensuring that there is a proper chemical reaction of the paint stripper with the paint.
- Now use the paint scraper to remove the layer which is generated over the surface of the wood. If paint stripper has done its job properly then it will be removed quite easily with the paint from the surface. It is required to ensure that the scrapper which we are using is chemical resistant.
- Paint scraper used should be of the metallic material so that it can easily remove the paint by peeling them away. Even it is required to ensure that the paint is removed just in the initial passes which are done.
Removing Paint with Force
In this method of removing paint from the surface of the wood, necessary components are:
- Safety Gloves
- Safety Googles
- Sand Paper
- Mechanical Sander
- Use Safely gloves and goggles while removing the paint from the surface of the wood. It will help in ensuring that your hands and body is not affected due to the paint dust which is generated.
- It is required to select the way sandpaper is to be used based on the wood over which it is to be applied to remove paint. When you are using a small and delicate wooden object then you can use sandpaper but when the object is a large one can use Mechanical Sander.
- One can use coarse open-coat sandpaper as other sandpaper might clog with the paint and wood dust quite quickly. The process of sanding is done along the wood instead of doing it against the wood.
- As soon as you find that even the grain of the wood is getting removed, change over to medium grit paper. This will help in ensuring that excess wood is not removed from the surface from where the paint is removed.
- Soon there will be smaller bits of paint remaining over the surface. At that time change over to fine grit to remove those paint which remains over the surface.
- In the case when the wooden object is quite large then one can use Mechanical Sander to remove the paint. Mostly it is preferred for the use over larger projects to be done rapidly due to a large amount of area which is covered.
- Three options are available to be selected which include Belt, Disk and Drum Sanders. Once a majority of the paint is removed, you can change over to the fine grain sandpaper.
Thus, we can say that we can remove paint from the wood by following any one of the processes discussed over here. It will help us to effectively remove the paint and still maintaining the quality of the surface of the wood over which paint was applied.